Where you become art
Boutique Albums
Boutique albums offer a luxury display for your most prized images. Full page layouts create a seamless look and pages are satisfyingly thick with a durable matte sheen to keep your images protected for many years to come. All albums are handmade in the USA with careful attention to detail, and come in three sizes with multiple luxurious cover options. You can choose to receive your album tucked in its own velvet drawstring bag or boutique keepsake box (with velvet wrapping inside).
$650 6" x 8" • 10 images
$725 8" x 8" • 15 images
$995 8" x 10" • 25 images
Add additional images at $45 per image.
Grande Set
When you're craving more and looking for an even grander presentation for your images, treat yourself to The Grand Album Collection. These bigger prints let you enjoy your images in even greater detail and vibrancy. Exquisitely detailed and handmade, these albums come in many different materials and designs - to fit your taste and personality. In addition to your album you’ll also receive a stunning keepsake box, matched in design and material to your album.
$1,175 9" x 12" • 30 images
$1,475 9" x 12" • 40 images
Add additional images at $45 per image.
Fine Art Canvas
Put your gorgeous images on display with our big beautiful fine art canvases and wall art. Your choice of classic museum-quality archival canvas or glistening modern metal material, these pieces will be perfect to hang in your own boudoir! Add a single canvas to your image purchase or choose several to create a bold gallery for your walls. You are the art!
$650 • (2) 11" x 14"
$785 • 16" x 24"
$850 • 24" x 36"
Heirloom Box
Beautiful and timeless glass keepsake box with your favorite 20 images printed and mounted. Keep by your bedside for a beautiful display or tuck away to showcase as you wish.
$450 • 10 5x7 prints & keepsake box